Somewhere (ZhengZ) Mac OS

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  1. Somewhere (zhengz) Mac Os Download
  2. Somewhere (zhengz) Mac Os 11

Classic Mac OS, as it's now known, had a decade-long honeymoon period. From its release in 1984 until 1994, it enjoyed a healthy development life that included several major revisions. But by 1994, the limitations of the OS were apparent to technophiles both inside and outside Apple. Sure, there was a lot of legacy cruft from the 80s in what was then known as System 7, but the real problems were more fundamental. These problems were so well-known that I'm sure anyone who was a 'PC enthusiast' back in those days can rattle them off. Classic Mac OS lacked two very important features. Say it with me, folks:

Memory protection and preemptive multitasking

In the early 1990s, Apple created the Copland project to add these two features to its operating system. Yes, a lot of new end-user features were going to be added as well, but memory protection and preemptive multitasking were Copland's raison d'être.

  • The Mac maintenance and security app called Combo Cleaner is a one-stop tool to detect and remove Trovi virus. This technique has substantial benefits over manual cleanup, because the utility gets hourly virus definition updates and can accurately spot even the newest Mac infections.
  • In pre-OS X days, the default behavior was to bring all those windows to the front. And now, thanks to a new app called Front and Center, from John Siracusa, you can get this behavior on a modern Mac.

Funny story—as it turns out, it wasn't too easy to add these features to classic Mac OS while also maintaining backward compatibility with existing software. Oh, and did I mention that Apple switched processor architectures around this time as well? By 1996, the Copland project was dead, and classic Mac OS still lacked memory protection and preemptive multitasking.

Transfer data from iPhone to iPhone. You just got a new iPhone and are happy to unlock all the new features. But before you enjoy your new device, you realize you need to transfer all of the files, including contacts, photos, videos, and more, from your old iPhone to the new one. That way of downloading Mac OS X updates and new apps was introduced with Snow Leopard and means that anyone with a Mac running Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or earlier can't actually access the Mac.


Thus began a downward spiral that included several more frantic, abortive attempts to solve Apple's OS dilemma. We all know how it ended. A series of unlikely events led to the return of Steve Jobs and the refashioning of NeXTSTEP into Apple's new operating system—yes, an operating system with memory protection and preemptive multitasking. Phew.

So, here we are in 2005, with severalmajorrevisions of Mac OS X behind us. Maybe we Mac users are feeling a bit smug, knowing that we once again have The Best Operating System™. Of course, I felt that way in 1991 when System 7 was released, too. But a mere five years later, things were going downhill fast. Hm.

Will Mac OS X suffer the same fate? Surely not, you say. Mac OS X is The World's Most Advanced Operating System! But this is exactly the kind of thinking that lets an OS crisis sneak up on you. It's worthwhile to think about what Mac OS X will need in order to remain competitive two, five, even ten years in the future.


Obviously Mac OS X will need (and will get) a ton of new features in the coming decade or so. The trick is to find the equivalent of 'memory protection and preemptive multitasking.' That is, the features that will be essential in the future, but that are very hard to add while still supporting existing software.

I'm tempted to make this a two-part post, asking the readers to write their opinions in the comments area first, and then revealing mine in a follow-up post. But that'd be cruel (or lame, take your pick), and I'm sure plenty of people would have the same ideas I do. Why let them steal my thunder?

So, here it is. Here's what I think will quickly become Mac OS X's most glaring technical limitation, and what could lead to another Copland-style disaster if Apple isn't careful. Here's what Mac OS X is missing today that will be very difficult to add later without causing big problems for existing software and developers:

Violets castle mac os. A memory-managed language and API

Daton mac os. Both of Mac OS X's primary application development APIs require the programmer to manually manage memory. Carbon is a C-based API, and memory management doesn't get much more manual than plain-old C these days. Cocoa uses Objective-C, which abstracts memory management with a retain/release system, but the programmer must still explicitly trigger or schedule these actions. Under the covers, Objective-C is just a runtime engine on top of C anyway, so it's no surprise that manual memory management is still part of the development experience.

But why is this a bad thing? Doesn't manual memory management offer more opportunities for optimization? Aren't languages with totally automatic memory management 'slower' than their lower-level brethren? Yes and yes. But 'more abstracted' is a better way to think of those 'slower' languages, and 'more abstracted' always wins in the end, especially when it comes to operating systems and application development.

I don't want to go down the rat-hole of programming language religion, but suffice it to say that languages (and their associated APIs) that support automatic memory management are the future of software development. In fact, in many cases, they're the present. Java has made great strides in the server arena, and languages like Perl, Python, and Ruby are coming from the other direction. C, C++, and yes, even Objective-C, are being squeezed in the middle.


As was the case with the memory protection and preemptive multitasking crisis, Microsoft is way out ahead on the memory-managed language/API front. MS has its own new programming language, C#, and is working on an all-new memory-managed API to supplant the venerable C-based Win32 API. These are both projects that were started years ago, and that are finally coming to fruition today.

Whither Apple? Back when C# and the API that would come to be known as WinFX were on the drawing board at Microsoft, Apple was kind of busy trying to finally get over that pesky 'memory protection and preemptive multitasking' thing. Today, Carbon and Cocoa are just settling down; Tiger is the first Mac OS X release to be accompanied by a promise from Apple that APIs won't be intentionally broken in future releases.

Put bluntly, Apple is way behind here. Yes, 'Copland' behind.

Even if Apple is smart and 'borrows' an existing memory-managed programming language (hello, C#), there's still that pesky API issue. Apple recently killed their Objective-C/Java bridge, and with good reason. Bridges stink. So forget about an Objective-C/C# bridge. And no, don't talk to me about adding garbage collection to Objective-C. That is exactly the sort of 'half-way' mindset that led to Copland. No, Apple needs to pull a WinFX and rethink the whole widget, so to speak, from top to bottom.

New APIs are extremely risky and hard to pull off, of course. Plus, Apple's just coming off a big transition, moving from the Mac Toolbox to Carbon and, for new development, to Cocoa. It's way too soon to even think about another move, right? Sure, if you're a developer. But if you're Apple, you'd damn-well better be thinking about it—not only thinking about it, but beginning work.

Somewhere (zhengz) Mac Os Download

Oh yeah, that's right, there's some other transition going on right now, isn't there? Well, fine, delay the whole memory-managed language/API thing a year or two if necessary. But someone, somewhere at Apple had better be thinking long and hard about this issue. If Apple does get itself into another Copland-style jam around 2010, I'm not sure there'll be any pre-fab 'modern operating systems' hanging around for them to purchase and refurbish this time.

When you sign out of iCloud, you'll be asked if you want to keep a copy of the information that you store in iCloud on your device. Whatever you choose, your information will remain in iCloud. However, you can't access or use the following services on your device after you sign out of iCloud:

  • Apple Pay, Apple Cash, and Apple Card*
  • Find My
  • Game Center
  • Home app to control your HomeKit devices
  • iCloud Backup
  • iCloud Drive
  • iCloud Keychain
  • iCloud Mail
  • iCloud Photos
  • Siri Shortcuts
  • Voice Memos
  • Shared Albums
  • Messages in iCloud
  • Reminders
  • Shared Notes
  • Shared Pages, Numbers, and Keynote documents
  • Updates to your contacts, calendars, reminders, bookmarks, and Safari tabs
  • Continuity features like Handoff, Universal Clipboard, and Auto Unlock with your Apple Watch
  • App data for any third-party apps that you've installed that use iCloud

* Your Apple Cash and Apple Card accounts are linked to your Apple ID. They can't be transferred to a different Apple ID or accessed by a different Apple ID.

Somewhere (zhengz) Mac Os 11

When you sign out of iCloud, you're automatically signed out of the App Store, iMessage, and FaceTime. You can sign in with your Apple ID to keep using the App Store. Blue diamond gaming. And you can use iMessage and FaceTime with your phone number.


Thus began a downward spiral that included several more frantic, abortive attempts to solve Apple's OS dilemma. We all know how it ended. A series of unlikely events led to the return of Steve Jobs and the refashioning of NeXTSTEP into Apple's new operating system—yes, an operating system with memory protection and preemptive multitasking. Phew.

So, here we are in 2005, with severalmajorrevisions of Mac OS X behind us. Maybe we Mac users are feeling a bit smug, knowing that we once again have The Best Operating System™. Of course, I felt that way in 1991 when System 7 was released, too. But a mere five years later, things were going downhill fast. Hm.

Will Mac OS X suffer the same fate? Surely not, you say. Mac OS X is The World's Most Advanced Operating System! But this is exactly the kind of thinking that lets an OS crisis sneak up on you. It's worthwhile to think about what Mac OS X will need in order to remain competitive two, five, even ten years in the future.


Obviously Mac OS X will need (and will get) a ton of new features in the coming decade or so. The trick is to find the equivalent of 'memory protection and preemptive multitasking.' That is, the features that will be essential in the future, but that are very hard to add while still supporting existing software.

I'm tempted to make this a two-part post, asking the readers to write their opinions in the comments area first, and then revealing mine in a follow-up post. But that'd be cruel (or lame, take your pick), and I'm sure plenty of people would have the same ideas I do. Why let them steal my thunder?

So, here it is. Here's what I think will quickly become Mac OS X's most glaring technical limitation, and what could lead to another Copland-style disaster if Apple isn't careful. Here's what Mac OS X is missing today that will be very difficult to add later without causing big problems for existing software and developers:

Violets castle mac os. A memory-managed language and API

Daton mac os. Both of Mac OS X's primary application development APIs require the programmer to manually manage memory. Carbon is a C-based API, and memory management doesn't get much more manual than plain-old C these days. Cocoa uses Objective-C, which abstracts memory management with a retain/release system, but the programmer must still explicitly trigger or schedule these actions. Under the covers, Objective-C is just a runtime engine on top of C anyway, so it's no surprise that manual memory management is still part of the development experience.

But why is this a bad thing? Doesn't manual memory management offer more opportunities for optimization? Aren't languages with totally automatic memory management 'slower' than their lower-level brethren? Yes and yes. But 'more abstracted' is a better way to think of those 'slower' languages, and 'more abstracted' always wins in the end, especially when it comes to operating systems and application development.

I don't want to go down the rat-hole of programming language religion, but suffice it to say that languages (and their associated APIs) that support automatic memory management are the future of software development. In fact, in many cases, they're the present. Java has made great strides in the server arena, and languages like Perl, Python, and Ruby are coming from the other direction. C, C++, and yes, even Objective-C, are being squeezed in the middle.


As was the case with the memory protection and preemptive multitasking crisis, Microsoft is way out ahead on the memory-managed language/API front. MS has its own new programming language, C#, and is working on an all-new memory-managed API to supplant the venerable C-based Win32 API. These are both projects that were started years ago, and that are finally coming to fruition today.

Whither Apple? Back when C# and the API that would come to be known as WinFX were on the drawing board at Microsoft, Apple was kind of busy trying to finally get over that pesky 'memory protection and preemptive multitasking' thing. Today, Carbon and Cocoa are just settling down; Tiger is the first Mac OS X release to be accompanied by a promise from Apple that APIs won't be intentionally broken in future releases.

Put bluntly, Apple is way behind here. Yes, 'Copland' behind.

Even if Apple is smart and 'borrows' an existing memory-managed programming language (hello, C#), there's still that pesky API issue. Apple recently killed their Objective-C/Java bridge, and with good reason. Bridges stink. So forget about an Objective-C/C# bridge. And no, don't talk to me about adding garbage collection to Objective-C. That is exactly the sort of 'half-way' mindset that led to Copland. No, Apple needs to pull a WinFX and rethink the whole widget, so to speak, from top to bottom.

New APIs are extremely risky and hard to pull off, of course. Plus, Apple's just coming off a big transition, moving from the Mac Toolbox to Carbon and, for new development, to Cocoa. It's way too soon to even think about another move, right? Sure, if you're a developer. But if you're Apple, you'd damn-well better be thinking about it—not only thinking about it, but beginning work.

Somewhere (zhengz) Mac Os Download

Oh yeah, that's right, there's some other transition going on right now, isn't there? Well, fine, delay the whole memory-managed language/API thing a year or two if necessary. But someone, somewhere at Apple had better be thinking long and hard about this issue. If Apple does get itself into another Copland-style jam around 2010, I'm not sure there'll be any pre-fab 'modern operating systems' hanging around for them to purchase and refurbish this time.

When you sign out of iCloud, you'll be asked if you want to keep a copy of the information that you store in iCloud on your device. Whatever you choose, your information will remain in iCloud. However, you can't access or use the following services on your device after you sign out of iCloud:

  • Apple Pay, Apple Cash, and Apple Card*
  • Find My
  • Game Center
  • Home app to control your HomeKit devices
  • iCloud Backup
  • iCloud Drive
  • iCloud Keychain
  • iCloud Mail
  • iCloud Photos
  • Siri Shortcuts
  • Voice Memos
  • Shared Albums
  • Messages in iCloud
  • Reminders
  • Shared Notes
  • Shared Pages, Numbers, and Keynote documents
  • Updates to your contacts, calendars, reminders, bookmarks, and Safari tabs
  • Continuity features like Handoff, Universal Clipboard, and Auto Unlock with your Apple Watch
  • App data for any third-party apps that you've installed that use iCloud

* Your Apple Cash and Apple Card accounts are linked to your Apple ID. They can't be transferred to a different Apple ID or accessed by a different Apple ID.

Somewhere (zhengz) Mac Os 11

When you sign out of iCloud, you're automatically signed out of the App Store, iMessage, and FaceTime. You can sign in with your Apple ID to keep using the App Store. Blue diamond gaming. And you can use iMessage and FaceTime with your phone number.

If you sign out of iCloud and you don't keep a copy of your data on your device or your Mac, you can't access that data until you sign in to iCloud again.

Sign out on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

  1. Go to Settings > [your name].
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Tap Sign Out.
  4. Enter your Apple ID password and tap Turn Off.
  5. Turn on the data that you want to keep a copy of on your device.
  6. Tap Sign Out.
  7. Tap Sign Out again to confirm that you want to sign out of iCloud.

Sign out on your Mac

  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences.
  2. Click Apple ID, then click Overview. If you use macOS High Sierra or earlier, click iCloud.
  3. Click Sign Out.
  4. If you want to a keep a copy of your iCloud data on your Mac before you sign out, make sure that you select the appropriate checkboxes. Then click Keep a Copy.
  5. If you want to keep a copy of your Safari passwords on your Mac, click Keep on This Mac.

Sign out on your Apple Watch

When you sign out of iCloud on the iPhone that's paired with your Apple Watch, you're automatically signed out of iCloud on your Apple Watch.

If you use an Apple Watch with Family Setup, learn how to unpair and erase your Apple Watch.

Sign out on your Apple TV

  1. Go to Settings > Accounts > iCloud.
  2. Select Sign Out.

Sign out of iCloud for Windows

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